Generate signature
Generate signature
The parameter names are sorted according to the order of the ASCII code, converted into a json string, signed with a private key, and HMAC-SHA256 encryption should be used.
Signature generation step description
First step:
Let's assume all the data sent or received to be the set M, and sort the parameters of the non-empty parameter values in the set M according to the parameter name ASCII code from small to large (dictionary order), using the format of the URL key-value pair (ie key1=value1&key2=value2) ...) stitched into a string stringA.
Pay special attention to the following important rules:
The parameter name ASCII code is sorted from small to large (dictionary order);
app_id, timestamp is a required parameter; timestamp is the last five minutes timestamp, which is invalid for more than 5 minutes;
If the value of the parameter is null, it does not participate in the signature;
Parameter names are case sensitive;
The transmitted sign parameter does not participate in the signature, and the generated signature will be checked based on the sign value.
The Second step:
The string is finally stitched to get the stringSignTemp string, and the stringSignTemp is programmed according to HMAC-SHA256, and then all the characters of the obtained string are converted to uppercase, then the signvalue is set.
Pseudo code example
Assume that the parameters transmitted are as follows: channelId: mttest timestamp : 1516320000 body : test
Code example
The parameters and order in which the code participates in encryption are: